Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Haunting History of Halloween!

Halloween is fast approaching and before you head out for some freaky fun, take a look at this awesome Halloween site! Learn the history of Halloween and its spookiest stars and superstitions. Check out the "historic haunts," where even the White House has a haunted history. There are also fast facts about this scary holiday, as well as, Halloween treat recipes, pumpkin carving ideas, and some great ghost stories.

Some Great Videos

Hey! Click on this link:
There are some really great videos on the home page today. The video about the mystery of the Devil's Triangle was really interesting! Since we celebrated Columbus Day on Monday, check out the video describing the history of Columbas Day. Be sure to always check because there are always new videos and topics to enjoy.

This Week In History...

October 11, 2002: Jimmy Carter won Nobel Peace Prize.

October 11, 1950: Color TV license issued.

October 11, 1809: Meriwether Lewis dies along the Natchez Trace, TN.

October 11, 1942: United States defeats Japanese in the Battle of Cape Esperance.

October 12, 1492: Columbus set out to sea.

October 16, 1934: Communism's long march in China.

October 17, 1931: Al Capone sentenced for tax evasion.

*dates and facts courtesy of

Thursday, September 20, 2007

History Is Fun!

The field of history is vast and interesting! Learning the history of a person, place, or society will give you a great perspective and understanding of that specific topic. Everyone and everything has a history and it is up to you to study and enjoy that history!

Thursday, September 6, 2007
